Stretch Marks

What are Stretch Marks?

Stretch marks are irregular skin textures that look like stripes or lines. These lines appear as streaks of red or pink at first; over time, they become silvery white in appearance. Skin is flexible and stretchy, but collagen production can't keep up when it is quickly stretched. This causes tearing of the dermis layer of the skin, leading to stretch marks. This type of scar can occur anywhere, but it is common on the thighs, hips, and stomach.

Types of Stretch Marks

Striae Rubrae: Pink / red marks
Striae Albae: White / Silver marks

Striae Rubrae

When Stretch Marks are first formed, they are pink or reddish and indicate overstretched skin. The epidermis typically flattens and loses its texture. Collagen fibres thicken and become more densely packed, arranging themselves in a more perpendicular or parallel pattern. The number of elastic fibres also decreases.

Striae Albae

Over time, Stretch Marks become scar-like, irregularly shaped and white/silver in colour. Some may even develop a fine wrinkly texture. Progression from Striae Rubrae to Striae Albae is gradual and can take several months to years. Stretch lines can become more prominent as you age and lose skin elasticity.

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks

Even if you use oils and moisturisers, stretch lines can still develop regardless of your precautions.

Complete stretch mark removal is not possible. However, some treatments can help to minimise their appearance. RF Microneedling is one of the best treatments available. We use the Focus Dual from Lynton Lasers, the UK's leading laser manufacturer.

How Stretch Marks are Formed
How Stretch Marks are Formed

RF Microneedling

  • Setsuko Beauty uses Lynton Focus Dual
  • Collagen and Elastin production
  • Superfine Needles to reduce discomfort
  • Smoother Skin surface
Stretch Marks Before RF Microneedling