Waxing FAQ

Waxing Questions Answered

If you have more questions about Waxing, please contact us.

There are various reasons why people have intimate waxing such as Hollywood and Brazilian. Removing grey pubic hair, hygiene or feeling sexy. It is a lot more common than you think. 

Not too long and not too short. Hair needs to be about 1cm in length. It might be a good idea to trim slightly if your hair is longer than that.

Everyone is different. In most cases, you will see minimal regrowth during the first 2 weeks, with a noticeable increase after that.

We recommend having waxing every 4-6 weeks to maintain the clean feeling.

Yes, it does a little. We won't lie about it. Speed, Experience, and using high-quality hot wax can make the treatment less uncomfortable. You are in safe hands with Setsuko as she is an experienced wax therapist trained by Kim Lawless – an expert in intimate waxing. 

Please have a shower and trim the hair with scissors to about 1cm before your appointment. Some people take a painkiller, but it is entirely up to you as treatment is quick.

Yes. As long as you wear Tampax, it is no problem.

No. Roaccutane medication is a contra-indication for waxing treatments. You need to wait 6 months after your course of Roaccutane is finished before waxing.

The following factors can cause adverse reactions. If you have any of these, please let us know:

  • Psoriasis, eczema, or other chronic skin diseases
  • Recent sunburn  
  • Cosmetic or reconstructive surgery conducted recently
  • Recent laser skin treatment
  • Very sensitive skin
  • Roaccutane (No waxing during and after 6 months of taking the medication)”

Please shower before your treatment.